The MAHLE Group is launching an innovative filtration concept: the BLINDAGUA Filter. It was specially developed to respond to a challenge of the automotive sector: water presence in diesel fuel. The results are outstanding in comparison to another available filtration systems.
Eficienta ridicata de separare a apei Sistemele de filtrare conventionale sunt concepute in mod uzual pe baza unui concept de o singura etapa. Testele au aratat ca atunci cand filtrele sunt expuse contaminantilor, eficienta separarii apei scade de la starea initiala, de aproape 96%, la niveluri sub 15%. Pentru a imbunatati aceasta, conceptul filtrului Blindagua indeplineste functia de filtrare in doua etape:
STAGE 1 – Contaminant filtration and water droplets size increase.
STAGE 2 – Separation of big water droplets without contamination.
In this way, even tiny water droplets present in diesel are separated by the two stages concept in individual steps. In addition, as contaminant is retained in the first stage, the final water separation function is done safe in the second stage, ensuring high performance throughout BLINDAGUA Filter lifetime. Field and laboratory tests were done in order to check and confirm 2-stage new concept advantages in the medium and long term: after initial filtration condition, the BLINDAGUA Filter water separation efficiency was confirmed to be superior in comparison to conventional systems.
Blindagua Filter, The solution to a constant threat. Diesel has a natural tendency to absorb water – which in Brazil is further enhanced by biodiesel blending and its percentage increase at gas station diesel in the last years. Higher water absorption characteristic means higher water content and higher level of intrinsic water, increasing the water separation difficulty. Water in diesel needs to be removed, as its presence causes injection system components degradation. Fuel pumps, injection nozzles, valves and fuel line components are affected by water presence.
Intrinsic water quantity in diesel according to the biodiesel content and days in the laboratory. Higher biodiesel percentage in the diesel means higher percentage of intrinsic water in the diesel.
Advantages of BLINDAGUA Filter:
– unique in the market with dual-stage water separation in diesel pre-filter;
– higher water separation efficiency;
– three times more water separation during its lifetime;
– increased engine injection system protection due to its improved water separation performance;
– lower maintenance costs with injectors and fuel pumps;
– high-strength polyamide body with integrated transparent water reservoir;
– lower cost per kilometer;
– multi-application – reduced number of references.
In addition, water in diesel contributes to the microbiological growth. When the water is not removed from diesel, microbiological agents have the ideal conditions for fast proliferation, clogging filtration system and causing problems to the final customer. With its unique dual-stage filtering, the BLINDAGUA Filter provides the most efficient solution to this challenge.